
When dogs attack

Rusty has been a great dog so far... up until the other night.

I was sitting there on the couch watching the baseball game when suddenly I was nearly knocked unconscious by the grand daddy of all farts. I thought for a second that the police were raiding my condo and had shot a canister or something through the window to knock me out or something. My eyes started tearing up and I was barely able to keep it together as I tried to crawl to the kitchen where I was finally able to open the door and fling myself out to get some fresh air.

Several hours later, after regaining full strength, it seemed like the danger had passed. Then, at about 1:30AM, I was awoken from my sleep by the same smell. I tried to put the covers over my head but there was no escape. The air was basically unbreathable in the room. I think there were more parts methane in the air than oxygen making it unfit to sustain human life. I tried to make a move to get out of bed but was knocked unconscious. Several hours later I awoke to find the air had cleared and all was well.

In other news: I am getting a fan.


Anonymous said...

haha, just imagine having two dogs to assault you at the same time. though with mine, its more the doggy breath then the gas.

michael said...

It's official, he's a Halberg!

Mike said...

Up yours Geer, you poophead.
PS. Jim, I am going to refer to your dog as Rustyfarts from now on instead of Rusty Trombone.

Sheila said...

'Rustyfarts' even sounds like a smell being described, though its not as graphic as Jim's description. At least he didn't fart under the blankets that the two of you were sharing. Not that I know anyone who does THAT.

Whitney said...

It really is quite terrible, although I don't recall being awoken from sleep. Sometimes you can actually hear it, so you're fore-warned.