
I have 0 Friends

In order to "rate" a video for a Milwaukee-based band (Fever Marlene) that I saw yesterday (check it out) I needed to setup a MySpace page.

My thoughts on MySpace are that it's an incredibly useful tool for finding and listening to bands that you otherwise would have a hard time pinning down. BUT. It boggles my mind that a tool that is so universally known and accepted could be so ugly.

The Smashing Pumpkins page (here) is a perfect example. Their MySpace page is absolutely gorgeous by comparison to almost all other MySpace pages I have seen - way, way better than almost all the rest... and it still is not very nice.

Anyway, as the title says. Here is a blurb from my sad little MySpace page:


Unknown said...

poor jimmers, i'll be your friend!

Gina said...

I'll be your friend too.

Sheila said...

Aw. I think if you ask real nice, Mike will be your friend. I don't have a myspace page, so I'll have to be an unofficial friend.

Jon Palmer said...

Not a real surprise that you have ZERO friends. You didn't need have MySpace tell you that, I would have been glad to...

Whitney said...

You need more bling on your page.I see some people's myspace pages and they are gaud-y!