
Fishing weekend

Friday night and Saturday Mike Gengler took Mike Fox, Kevin Burg, and I out on Lake Michigan to do some fishing. This is the second year that I've been able to get out there and it's been awesome both times.

We ended up catching 3 salmon and a brown trout. The brown trout was much larger than the salmon but was comparatively very easy to land; it put up little fight and basically reeled in itself.

I don't have any pictures yet but a few were taken with a camera that used something called "film". Apparently this is some sort of technology that people used to use to preserve images, but I am not really all that familiar with it. I guess the images aren't immediately available though so I'll have to post them after they get developed...


Leslie Fedorchuk said...

Hey - We went out in the canoe this weekend... right through the middle of downtown. A different kind of nautical experience - but one I would highly recommend. Most of the time the canoe sits unused in the yard - so I would recommend swinging by and getting it at some point.

How do you do that thing in your links where you get the categories to open up to the listed blogs? (Remember who you are talking to when you try to explain this...)

Love ya -

Anonymous said...

My friends and I are going tubing. Does that count as a nautical experience?

jimhalberg said...

I think we'll count it! Where are you going tubing?

Also, Mom. I want you to know that twice I have tried to post something about the 'Entitlement Generation'. I haven't been able to come up with anything meaningful that takes less than an hour and three pages to do!

Sheila said...

Tubing counts. By the way, so does playing in the sprinkler that is set up in the driveway.

I'd love to hear more about (and see what others say) the Entitlement Generation. I want that three page report up by noon on Thursday, Jim.

Anonymous said...

Tubing will be in the Dells. Definitely high risk rapids. I will be taking my life into my own hands and living dangerously! Or, maybe not so much.

Listened to a discussion of the entitlement generation Tuesday. Their conclusion was that every generation has a percentage that feel entitled.

Also saw a documentary on the Pacific Coast Highway. We should rent a giant RV and all that can fit go on a trip down the coast.

Anonymous said...

Where are the photos of this fishing weekend?

jimhalberg said...

Still stuck in that film camera, I guess. I'll post em when I get em.