
Independence Day

Yes, the day that we won our independence from the shed. Today saw the shingles being scored and trimmed to fit the edge of the roof (along with one of my fingers). The door's saw some work but we just didn't quite have time to finish things up. Maybe if we hadn't lost those hours on the 3rd we would have finished... At any rate though, we got it far enough that a couple of these Fox's should be able to polish things off over the next month or so.

The trip home was uneventful (good thing) and the traffic actually wasn't too bad.

It was a very good weekend.


Anonymous said...

You guys can all get jobs on HSTV now! (That's "House and Shed TV" for all you without cable.)

Sheila said...

If there was an HSTV channel, we'd sign up for cable for sure. Maybe in addition to building sheds you could do make-overs on existing sheds. There has to be a great market for something like that!