

The playoffs started for the Madison Ultimate Frisbee Association (MUFA) this evening. After finishing the regular season in a tie for third, Team Predator (all teams are named after Horror movie or otherwise scary characters) took down our first opponent 13-7.

It was actually a pretty close game in the first half. I believe we were up 7-5 before we started pulling away from 'Fin Fang Foom'. I admit having no idea who Fin Fang Foom is: someone will have to fill me in.

Here are the handsome devils. Predator on the left and good ole' Fin Fang on the right.

Of course, the most frightening of the monsters would have to be Count Chocula.

P.S. What kind of spell checker doesn't recognize the word "Chocula"!?!


michael said...

There is nothing scary about chocolate!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you guys still in the playoffs? We would love to come and cheer you on.

jimhalberg said...

No, everything finished up last Friday. We actually finished on Thursday - I think we took 5th?