
Awesome Songs

The Hungry Roo's latest post inspired me to look up everyones favorite State Street Artist - Art Paul Schlosser.

Say what you may about Art Paul, but you will never catch someone within 30 feet that isn't smiling. Besides, this guy has to be top 10 well known people in Madison (as would be voted by Madison residents and students).

It ends up being the perfect follow up to my recent Awesome Videos post... So, without further hesitation, I bring you: Awesome Songs.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Check out his awesome artwork too. I seem to remember getting an Art Paul t-shirt for my birthday one year. There's a picture he drew of Elvis and the shirt says: "Does your neighbor think he's Elvis?"
Gotta love Art Paul.
The roos and I have his CD. We all chipped in $1 or $2 one night and got one while out on State Street. Good timess...