

Well, I had heard rumors of the demise of Arrested Development before, so when Emily told me this weekend that it was going off the air: I wasn't happy to hear it but I still had some hope that it wasn't going to happen. but Brandon sent me a link today that seems to confirm it.

Too bad, it really is a funny show.


Whitney said...

I will miss AD very much.

Maighie said...

I am deeply saddened by this news. AD is my favorite show. Hang head and play Charlie Brown music now...


Gina said...

I did hear a rumor that Showtime was going to pick up Arerested Development though. Don't give up hope yet.

Anonymous said...

Obviously I missed a great show that I didn't even know was on. Does that mean that Nana's weren't there target age group? I'll have to Tivo the reruns and judge for myself?