
Holy Cow!

It isn't new but I just saw it for the first time - the Daily Page published an article June 13th regarding the blog attention that Madison's Cow Parade has received.

It comes through with A LOT of links, none more notable of course than:

"...Monnie Halberg documented the cows in downtown Sun Prairie, which are dominated by a Georgia O'Keefe theme, who once made the town her home."

Congrats Monnie on making the list!

Of course, since the article was posted 6/19 - the Daily Page/Isthmus hasn't had a chance to notice the incredible amount of coverage Monica has since given the non-Sun Prairie based cows. Keep following along!


Whitney said...

Cool! I didn't even know I was linked there!
Apparently this Cow Parade is getting lots of attention...
And deservedly so- it's so fun!

Gina said...

That is WAY cool that Monnie was linked!

Anonymous said...

Monnie has to make it to Fitchburg. We have cows, too. One in McCoy Farms Park has a high-tech theme, and it's eye's glow at night. Super Geeky Cool!

jimhalberg said...

Stay tuned... the Fitchburg cows are in the queue!

Although... we didn't see them at night... a return trip may be in order???

Whitney said...

Is it the Cow Chip one that glows? That IS super geekey!