
6/3 Workin on a Sunday

Back to work today as Sunday is a workday here in Israel (or at least much of it). Not a whole lot to report other than another great supper by the Sea - this time at the fanciest of the three offerings on the beach near our hotel.

Since I don't have much new to report... and since the sites/sights of the weekend are definitely still on my mind... just something I've been thinking about:

A few days ago I was going to talk about being in Israel and just generally near so many holy/historical sites... The closest thing I can compare it to (and this doesn't even come close) is being at Yankee Stadium and thinking about: Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig may have walked on this spot... or even: someone else watched history from this spot.

Now multiply that by a thousand - who has walked through Jerusalem? Who has walked within 30 feet of where I walked this weekend? ... incredible.

Is this the precise site of the crucifixion or the ascension or so many other events? and then coming to the realization that it happened within a few miles of where you are - being on the exact spot would be very special... but being very close - or even at the "best guess" or "traditional" spot is incredible.


Whitney said...

It's all just so crazy to think about! What an experience...

Mike said...

Did you hear that pop? That was my mind being totally flippin' blown...

Maighie said...

Really incredible to think about you being there Jim, what an awesome opportunity! Thank you for your posts and the pictures, they are wonderful!

Unknown said...

it's probably a little like being on the frisbee field with me, i would imagine.