
6/5 and 6/6 - Herziliya

After work yesterday we were treated to dinner by Koby (our CTO) and his girlfriend Chen. Really great to meet her and get the real facts on Koby!

I didn't get any pictures in the area around my hotel when I got here as I didn't have the camera yet, so I took care of that a bit this morning (set here -- all our pictures here). These are either from my hotel room or from the neighborhood within a few blocks of it...

I can't decide if this is "Flying Bicycle Angel Woman" or "Landing Bicycle Devil Man", but I am definitely sticking to my guns that it's a bicycle:There's no shortage of seashells:The beach itself:

And some stores near a turnabout (there are no shortage of turnabouts):


Leslie Fedorchuk said...

Hey Jim - I have really enjoyed looking at the images you have been taking and reading your entries. It made me remember how important time for REFLECTION was after I did a lot of travelling last year - and how much I hope that you will give yourself some of that. Re-reading some Elaine Pagels the other day..who has written extensively on the history of the christianity from a somewhat non-traditional pov...she says "What I have come to love in the wealth and diversity of our religious traditions - and the communities that sustain then - is that they offer the testimony of innumerable people to spiritual discovery...." Hope you are having time for some of that. Be well and much love.

Anonymous said...

Turnabouts?? I LOVE turnabouts! You definitely should've taken me with you?

Can you get me a mini-herziliya?