
Howie Goes Swimming

The other day, at dogfest, Howie took his first dip in the water. He wasn't hesitant to go in but immediately decided "this is a little weird" and came right out. After that we were really excited to get him to a dog park with water and we got a chance Thursday night at the Northport dog park.

They had a bit of a pier there that needed to be leaped from, instead of just being able to wade in, which made him a bit hesitant. So... I just threw him in a few times. There was some water swallowing and he didn't quite get that he was supposed to be swimming back to the ramp - not back to the pier, but after a few tries he got much more comfortable and really took to it.

Great fun and we're already looking forward to heading back there with him.


Sheila said...

Sometimes thats what you have to do, just throw them in. I did the same to Claire the other day. Though it wasn't into water, it was into a big pit of foam blocks. She was hesitant to do it as well, but after I threw her in, I couldn't get her to come back out again.

Glad Howie is having fun, and welcome home!

Anonymous said...

Howie the Wonder Dog! He should write about this in his blog.

Whitney said...

It was great fun watching him swim. Hopefully he'll jump right in when we revisit that park!?

James said...

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regards from Chile and Shaná Tová.