
Craig is my friend

I just used Craig's list for the first time and it was a great experience. Simple concept - simple to use - simple to read - just all around easy.

Unfortunately, the combination of an engagement party and my fantasy baseball draft (both in Chicago) are keeping me away from the Belle & Sebastian show at the Riverside this weekend. It really stinks: I was very much looking forward to the show, especially after their newest album.

but I posted on Craig's list that I had a ticket to get rid of - at face value - and the show is sold out. I had 4 people email me about it within 4 hours. One of them had sent me a check + I had the ticket in the mail to him a couple hours after that. Although JNo had offered to sell the ticket outside the door for me (thanks a ton!) I felt a lot better about it this way. I kept having images in my head of it sleeting or something and he's stuck standing out in the rain trying to get people to buy the stupid ticket or whatever. This way was completely painless.

Anyway, a vote for Craig's list: aye.


Anonymous said...

I started using that site last week, too. I really like it and it's easy to get around and find what you need. But, I noticed that you can't simply "reply" to a post without sending an email. It would be nice if it were possible to have a separate message zone or something like eBay or yahoo. that's my feedback. In sum, though, I agree.....Craig is a good chum.


Sheila said...

I used Craig to sell our desktop computer, and it was awesome. I also only had to wait a few hours after posting before I had an email. The guy came to our house to pick it up with cash in hand (why I like it better than eBay or yahoo). Can't imagine a better deal!

Vote: thumbs up

Maighie said...

Craigs List is great! We used it last year to find the place we live in now, bought a coffee table and Emily has gotten a job from it. Excellent resource - pip pip!

Whitney said...

Wow! Sounds like all have had good experiences. Craig's List is definitely something to keep on hand. I never realized it was so easy...

michael said...

Watch our for scams!!! I have had two items that people put offers in for that turned out to be scammers. Never buy/sell if the person is out of town or wants to use a money order.